LoL Diary Entry #5



I finally random-ed Thresh in ARAM!

But gawds!

No idea how to fully utilize him 😛

Went on a tankie AD runes and masteries since I do not know what to play him as of yet but still died like paper.

Easier to grab with Blitz but Thresh has more range.

I’ve seen AP, mostly SP and ASD.

Got to say though better to build a tank style for me next time because I totally forgot to use the 2nd Q. Bad me >.<

So to my readers always hearing me complain about me lagging.


A random 200 to 1k over ping is a common occurrence for me to the point I am sick of it except this was over 2k and there was nothing I can do while our teams were duking it out and I was the last one standing. Thanks to Taric’s natural passive armor Ashe has hardly any damage on me and decided to aim our inhibitor which my lag finally snapped out and threw a stun on her.

Thankfully my teammates were the understanding kind 😉
Off to feed my doggies.