LOL Diary Entry #7

Current time 2.26am.

Need to wake up at 7am.

This is the part where I win I sleep after suffering from a couple of I really tried yet still lost the game scenarios. Previous game was the worst where my Gragas and team mate Zerath were dealing all the damages but we have no ADC to down towers. Eat so many Teemo mushroom yet Syndra and worst still Soraka other than the heals and occasionally good silence timing deals hardly any damage with Liandry, RadaCap, Void Staff and Sorcerer’s Boots.

I do not mind offensive build Soraka but…

You know – or not. Different people different views >.<

Then now comes the part where I am in denial because it’s Monday.

Good part – at least Tuesday is coming which means my Beyond Two Souls Direction Edition should be in store which I pre-ordered *_*


5 more days people…

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